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Esistono persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose, guardate la bellezza di queste creazioni!!!


Buongiorno a tutti, in questa ricerca, vogliamo mostrarvi delle creazioni davvero molto singolari, ma di grande effetto artistico, lavori eseguiti da veri maestri del riciclo e del fai da te, ecco tutte le idee.

Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose 12 idee per riciclare chiavi e non solo

Even discarded keys and coins can be turned into beautiful art with some creativity and the right sort of know-how. Michael (or Moerkey), an artist in Australia, does exactly that, turning discarded keys and coins into bottles, lampshades and other beautiful recycled metal sculptures.:

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Add storage to your living areas by building a stylish and unique crate storage coffee table, free woodworking plans. #RYOBIorganized:

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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose con del semplice cartone: 6 lavori incredibili, riciclando cartone

Placing your empty cardboard boxes in the recycling bin is one way of effectively dealing with the common material, but artist Chris Gilmour opts to sculpturally mimic objects with them instead. The English sculptor reworks average cardboard boxes to construct incredibly detailed replicas of varied objects ranging in size from a teacup to a grand piano.:

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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose: Da un soldino ad un bellissimo anello.grande artista.

Designer Nicholas Heckaman of The Ring Tree meticulously handcrafts detailed rings out of US coins. The Gainesville, Florida-based designer first discovered his skill when he was looking for the perfect ring to propose to his girlfriend with. He managed to create a special engagement ring out of a silver coin with a hammer and “a lot of patience.”:

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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose:

This guy got bored and decided to built a World Map dining room table.:

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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose:

Stufa a legna fai da te a base di pneumatici cerchioni:

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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose:

10 Amazing Cinder Block benches:

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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose:


60 Creative Ways Of Recycling Old Wood:

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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose:

Creative Ways Of Recycling (37)

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Wooden Accent Wall Tutorial:

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DIY for door if I ever have sliding doors:

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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose:


travertino e marmo, bellissimo effetto lago:

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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose:

Tante idee e creazioni: come creare portacandele assolutamente unici!!!:

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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose:

DIY Project: 3D Paper Lanterns:

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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose:

Really want to try this(::


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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose:

กล่อง น้ำ ผลไม้ กล่องนม สร้างสรร:

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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose:

Erase una vez Que se un globe ... transformó en jarrón::

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Persone in grado di fare cose meravigliose:

. - . Repinly DIY & Crafts Popular Pins:

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